
※Asclepius was a god of medicine in ancient Greek religion.He represents the healing aspect of the medical arts.

Asklepios - Epidauros.jpg          國立陽明大學徵求護理學院院長兼系主任啟事



Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by 17th English poet John Milton. It consisted of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse.

Houghton EC65.M6427P.1667aa - Paradise Lost, 1667.jpg

※John Milton

Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convistions,a passion for freedom and self-determination.


※Samson Agonistes is a tragic closet drama by John Milton.It is fenerally thought that Samson Agonistes was begun around the same as Paradise Regained.

New Testament was written in Greek,based on the Hebrew Bible.It focus on Jesus.

  Old Testament was written in Hebrew,based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible. It focus on Satan.

the New Testament has frequently accompanied the spread of Christianity around the world.

※God creat Adam by a clay and creat Eve by a rid from Adam.

God tell to Eve that she go,keep accompany,and making happy.

Adam +Eve→Cain killed Abel with a rock 

                 → Abel

※God ask Cain where his brother is,and Cain said,Am I a brother keeper?-----from the Hebrew Bible.


Matthew Gospel

Mark Gospel

Luke Gospel

John Gospel

Papyrus 46, one of the oldest New Testament papyri, showing 2 Cor 11:33-12:9

Jesus knocks on the door of your neart

Pieta is a subject in Christan art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the deed body of Jesus. 


Calvary, also Golgotha was according to the Gospels,a site immediately outside Jerusalem's walls where Jesus was crucified.

※The acronym INRI represents the Latin inscription which in English reads "Jesus the Nazarene,King of the Jews."

※Crucifixion is a form of slow and painful exection in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross and left to hang until dead.


※femme fatal is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers,often leading them into compromising,dangerous,and deadly situation.



※O Come All Ye Faithful





gene:a small part of the material inside the NUCLEUS of a cell, that controls the development of the qualities that have been passed on to a living thing from its parents  e.g. Genes were formerly called factors.

generate:to produce or create something   e.g.A dynamo is used to generate electricity .

genesis:the genesis of the beginning or origin of something  e.g.We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe .


parables:a short simple story that teaches a moral or religious lesson, especially one of the stories told by Jesus in the Bible  e.g.Jesus taught in parables .

paragraph:a group of several sentences in a piece of writing, the first sentence of which starts on a new

line  e.g.Did you see the paragraph about the stock market ?


parallel:being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting.  e.g.  These two lines are parallel .









































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